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Truck accidents often lead to devastating consequences for the victims. Due to the significant weight and height difference, when a truck crashes with a passenger car, the outcome can be catastrophic. Even if the accident happens at relatively low speeds, the injuries and damages can be excessive.

If you or a loved one has been hurt in a truck accident, you might be looking to know what your claim is worth. The best way to know exactly how much your case is worth is to discuss the details of your case with the truck accident attorneys at Rafi Law.

What is the Average Settlement for a Trucking Accident?

Unfortunately, there’s no average settlement value for truck accident cases. However, it’s worth noting that these cases usually settle for a lot more compared to car accident cases. This is because the severity of injuries to the victims and the resulting damage to the other vehicles is much higher.

Even a minor accident or impact with a semi or a large tractor-trailer can cause serious damage and injury. As such, the severity of the injuries and the impact are often the largest factors that your lawyer will look into when calculating how much your truck accident is worth.

The more serious cases can be worth millions of dollars. If the victim is permanently disabled in the accident, and it’s apparent that the trucking company was fully responsible for the crash, the case can have a very high value.

While we might not provide an average number, we can assess the facts surrounding your case and from there, give you an idea of what to expect when seeking a fair settlement.

What Factors Determine Truck Accident Settlement Amounts?

Every truck accident is unique in its way. As such, for every case, we take a personalized approach to estimate the value of your case. Once we learn more about the extent of property damage and your injuries, we will have a better idea of the settlement amount you deserve.

Generally speaking, the value of your case can be attributed to several factors, including the following:

  • Who was at fault for the accident and what’s your degree of fault?
  • The cost of your current and future medical bills and expenses.
  • The current value of your totaled or damaged vehicle.
  • The cost of your physical and mental pain and suffering.
  • The value of income you would have earned at work had the accident not happened.
  • Whether you can return to work after the accident.
  • The nature and severity of physical disfigurement and disabilities.

In cases where the accident was fatal, the surviving family members can pursue compensation by filing a wrongful death claim. These claims are meant to seek compensation for the pain and suffering the victim experienced, along with the loss of companionship or consortium, along with funeral and burial costs.

Note that if you were partially to blame for the crash, Georgia uses a comparative negligence system for personal injury cases. The jury will determine how much fault each party had in the accident. If they say you are 20% responsible, your compensation award will be reduced by 20%.

How Can I Tell If My Truck Accident Settlement Offer is Fair?

Following the truck accident, the trucking company or the truck driver’s insurance provider may try to offer you a quick settlement offer early on. Unfortunately, these offers tend to be meager in comparison to the actual value of your damages. The worst thing you could do is accept their offer and accept this initial settlement.

Your Athens lawyer will let you know when your settlement reaches a fair amount in your truck accident claim when it makes sense to pursue more. Keep in mind that your settlement money should be able to cover all the costs of your injuries.

At Rafi Law, our team will do its best to fight for your rights and ensure that the compensation you receive is enough to make you as whole as possible. Understanding all the ways you have suffered losses is important when it comes to figuring out how much to ask in your claim.

How Can a Lawyer Help?

Since truck accident cases tend to be quite complex, you want a strong advocate on your side. An Athens truck accident lawyer at Rafi Law can help maximize the compensation you receive by handling all aspects of your truck accident claim, including negotiating with insurance companies and collecting evidence.

With the help of our team, you can rest assured that your case is in the best hands. We are determined to help you receive the maximum compensation amount possible for the injuries and losses you suffered in the crash. If you’re wondering how much your truck accident claim is worth in Athens, our team can help you get an accurate estimate.

Contact an Athens Truck Accident Lawyer Today

Following a truck accident, most victims are in no condition or shape to handle their claims. If you or a loved one is hurt in a truck accident, our team will fight for your rights and make sure you receive all the compensation you need and deserve.

While there’s no way to tell how much your case will settle for, it doesn’t mean your lawyer can’t give you a fair settlement. Call Rafi Law today at (706) 995-7547 to schedule a free case evaluation with an experienced truck accident lawyer.


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500 North Milledge Ave, Suite 210 Athens, GA 30601